

What is the client's brief?

As one of the key baby care brands in the country, the client wants to earn and establish the expert title in the baby care market within and beyond the Sri Lanka.

What is our approach?

Due to various challenges, our approach needs to be accomplished within a limited time period according to the client requirements. In order to archive this key objective, we have identified that we need to enhance customer engagement in the baby care category with the babycheramy brand by understanding the different needs of the target audience. Using a client – brand engagement platform, babycheramy brand can provide expert support for the different target audiences and establish the expert title in the market in Sri Lanka and beyond.

What is the Solution?

As the solution to establish this platform, we have come up with a new website and mobile-based application which work as an engagement platform between the target audience and babycheramy brand. In the given solution the site visitors and app users do not need to select and seek the needed information that they looking at in the site. Instead of that, in their first visit to the site, users will answer predefined questions directly relevant to the common questions of the target audience which work as a sorting mechanism driven by data to identify the exact audience that they belong to. This is maintained using a database management process on the site. After completing the process, the sorted user will be directed to a unique homepage and corresponding sections that provide highly relevant information to that particular user. This was researched and discovered through a range of studies and focus groups. All the information that available for the target audience were created by a highly professional panel which has a potential understanding of different needs of the baby care.

Our Success story

The successful establishment of the babycheramy brand in the baby care industry was tremendously highlighted with the eminent engagement between the target audience and babycheramy website. With this successful real-world user engagement we have proven the potential value of the quality use of UI/UX (User interface / User Experience) concepts in the website developments. With this successful approach, babycheramy.lk has won the gold award for the best health & wellness website category and the Merit award for the best Sinhala website category in the bestweb.lk awards ceremony in 2020.