
SEO Link Building: Strategies For B2B SaaS

Link building can be a crucial component of any successful B2B SaaS SEO strategy, but how can you generate quality links to maximize efficiency and results?

In this blog post, we'll explore if link building works, how important it is for SEO campaigns, key link-building strategies that produce the best outcomes, and where you can find reliable services.

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Table of Contents

  1. Does link building work for B2B SaaS?
  2. How important is link building for SEO?
  3. How to build links to your website?
  4. Key Takeaways

Link building is an essential part of any B2B SaaS product's SEO strategy, and when done right, it can be extremely effective. In fact, 79.7% of SEO professionals consider link building as critical for their SEO strategy. (Authority Hacker)

But what exactly is SEO link building?


Building links from other websites to yours – both internal (from your own website) and external (from other websites) – is what we commonly refer to as link building. These website links act as valuable votes of credibility for search engine algorithms.

However, you must make sure that the external websites that are linked are credible web pages with high domain authority. So, link building can be a great way to increase online visibility and get your B2B SaaS product in front of more customers.

When it comes to Search Engine Optimization, organic traffic and ranking on SERP is important. According to Backlinko, the #1 ranking website has an average of 3.8x more backlinks than the other websites. Hence, the more backlinks your site has, the higher it is likely to rank in the SERPs.

And links are also one of the major ranking factors of Google's algorithm. Google's algorithm rewards websites with high-quality backlinks from reputable sources.

Link-building techniques also help build credibility, trust, and reputation with both users and search engines, which can lead to better conversions and higher authority.

Do note that not all links are considered quality links. That's why 93.8% of SEO prioritize quality links over quantity (Authority Hacker) and spammy link-building techniques.

Here are some of the common strategies and tips to begin with for your link-building campaigns.

01. Create linkable assets

One of the popular link-building strategies is creating linkable assets. These are pieces of content that can be used to acquire backlinks from authoritative websites. Creating helpful valuable content for B2B SaaS can definitely help boost search engine rankings.

A link-worthy content can simply be a blog post, an infographic, or any other type of content that has the potential to generate high-quality backlinks. Some other examples are resource pages, industry guides, and case studies.


02. Guest blogging

Guest blogging is another effective strategy for link-building and SEO campaigns for B2B SaaS products. It involves posting content for other websites and blogs to earn backlinks from those websites. When you invest time in guest posts, it can help to increase website traffic, improve visibility, and build relationships with other industry experts.

It's important to find high-quality websites that have the same target audience as your own, as this will help to increase website traffic and build credibility. Before writing a guest post, ensure that the website content is relevant, informative, and of high quality; otherwise, you may face the risk of not being accepted.

03. Roundup Posts


The above image shows the results of research on the most effective content format for bloggers. And it clearly shows roundups as effective yet the least used tactic.

In brief, roundup content is all about collecting information and insights from industry experts on a particular topic or issue. Then this collected data can then be used to create an article that provides valuable information to readers while also earning links from authoritative websites. So, when you share original roundup content with experiences and testimonials of industry leaders, other sites will be able to link back to you.


Broken link-building is an effective SEO link-building strategy. What it means is conducting a backlink analysis of your website and competitors to identify the backlink opportunities.

It involves finding and replacing broken links on a website or web page in order to increase visibility, generate backlinks, and boost rankings in SERPs. This can be done manually or with the help of various link-building tools, such as Dead Link Checker, Ahrefs Free Broken Link Checker or Google Check My Links.

When searching for broken links, start by checking the source website itself to see if there are any links that are not working and need fixing. You can do this backlink analysis for your competitor sites too.

Once you’ve identified these links, contact the original website in order to suggest a working link that can replace the broken one. If accepted, this will not only create a backlink for your product but also improve the overall user experience and website usability.

Read more: B2B SEO Tools: How to Choose the Best One for Your Business?


Testimonials are an effective strategy for link building and SEO campaigns for B2B SaaS products. By collecting positive feedback from customers, partners, and industry experts, businesses can leverage these testimonials to create content that is both informative and compelling.

This content can then be used on the business website as well as other websites in order to earn backlinks and boost visibility in SERPs. Additionally, this content can help establish credibility for the company’s product or service by showcasing how others view it favorably.

06. Product reviews

Another tactic to earn backlinks is through product reviews. Reviews provide readers with an in-depth look at the product, giving a comprehensive overview of features and benefits, as well as customer feedback. This provides potential customers with the necessary information to make an informed decision about the product, while also creating an opportunity for the business to earn backlinks from authoritative websites.

Moreover, reviews can also provide businesses with valuable insights into how their product is being used and perceived by customers, enabling them to make improvements or adjustments as needed in order to increase sales or conversions.

07. Infographics

Infographics are also one of the link-building tactics you can start today. By creating visually appealing, informative, engaging graphics that demonstrate a product's features, benefits, and successes in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand manner, businesses can leverage infographics to attract links.

Furthermore, this content can help to solidify the company’s position as a thought leader in its industry, providing readers with valuable information and insights that are difficult to find elsewhere. And if you're in luck, these can appear on top of Google Images for user queries and attract more visitors.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, leveraging linkable assets, testimonials, product reviews and infographics for link-building and SEO campaigns can be an effective way to increase website traffic, improve visibility in SERPs, and ultimately position the business as a thought leader in its industry.

With careful consideration of all these factors, businesses have the potential to create high-quality content that drives more visitors into their marketing funnel and converts casual visits into sales.

Reach out to us to learn about our SEO services.

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