
B2B SEO Tools: How to Choose the Best One for Your Business?


For B2B SEO, accuracy is a must to understand the audience, the customer journeys and exactly what your users want. From keyword research to competitor analysis, these difficult tasks can be made simple with the right SEO tools for your B2B marketing. And that’s why SEO tools play a huge role in effective making decisions and creating your B2B marketing plan.

In this blog post, we'll discuss some of the top B2B SEO tools to invest in 2023 and provide tips on how to choose the best one for your business.

You will also find the correct tool- whether you are new or a professional B2B SEO marketer—because most of these tools are user-friendly and with simple instructions.

Need to rank high on Google SERP? Get in touch with us to discuss SEO for your website.

Table of Content:

  1. SEMrush
  2. Ahrefs
  3. Google Analytics
  4. Moz
  5. Buzzsumo
  6. Screaming Frog
  7. Google Search Console
  8. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Let’s dive right in!

All-in-one B2B SEO Tools for Businesses

1. SEMrush

SEMrush dashboard
SEMrush Dashboard

First, SEMrush is well-known in the SEO community as one of the most systematic and comprehensive tools, covering all areas of B2B SEO. It is a powerful all-in-one SEO tool that provides insights into your website's ranking, keyword research, and anything to assess the online visibility of your website or digital marketing channels. Hence the name: "Online Visibility Management Platform."  It's an ideal tool for both beginners and advanced users.

Here are some key features and benefits of this SEO super tool:

SEMrush all tools


  • Creating reports.
  • Detailed SEO audits.
  • Research on keywords and position tracking.
  • Competition research including keyword and backlink gaps.
  • Link building with monitoring of brand mentions and backlinks.
  • Content analysis, ideas, and writing advice and more.

This power tool is more than just an SEO tool because it’s a flexible platform that offers capabilities to help with your other digital marketing needs, such as PPC and social media management. If you need only one tool for your B2B marketing, then it’s worth investing in this B2B SEO tool to make your life easier and complete all SEO-related tasks faster.

Learn about their pricing here.


2. Ahrefs

Ahrefs dashboard


Another well-known all-in-one B2B SEO tool that is sometimes viewed as SEMrush's direct rival is Ahrefs. Contrary to SEMrush, Ahrefs is an SEO tool that focuses on backlink analysis. It also provides features for keyword research, site audits, and competitor analysis.

Ahrefs Content Gap Feature

Some of the key features are:

  • Technical review
  • Keyword tracking and research
  • Content evaluation
  • Link Building

Although both of them offer SEO features, Ahrefs is known for its strong and dependable link building capabilities. Broken link building and using the Link Intersect Tools to find the websites that are currently linked to rival websites are two great ways to use Ahrefs for link building.

Is it beginner-friendly? Absolutely! Is it better than SEMrush? It depends on how you prefer to use the tool and your SEO requirements.

Check out the Ahrefs pricing to learn more about the platform’s amazing features.


Analytics Tools

3. Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics 4 Dashboard


Google Analytics is that one essential tool to make daily work better and make data driven decisions. Thisfree web analytics tool from Google helps you to track your website's traffic, user behavior, and other important metrics. It's a must-have tool for any business that wants to optimize its website for search engines.

It will be easier to choose the best methods going forward if you have a clear grasp of what performance is driven by. To get a clear picture of the performance of organic traffic - what's generating it, what can be impeding it - SEO marketers should continuously monitor performance in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics will assist in creating performance reports that actually demonstrate the benefits of a B2B SEO strategy in addition to studying organic traffic trends. Connect Google Data Studio to transform this data into reports and dashboards that are simple to understand and can be distributed to high-level executives and other important program team members.


Local SEO

4. MOZ

MOZ is a popular SEO tool that provides a wide range of features, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building. It's an excellent tool for businesses that want to improve their website's ranking and visibility. But it is also a great tool for "checking my listing."


You can use this tool to see how your website is doing across different search engines. You only need to check your listing after entering your postal code and company name. Your listing's performance is immediately indicated in percentage terms; the closer you are to 100, the better.

How Moz works:
Moz continuously evaluates and reports on the performance of your website. Once the analysis is complete, it offers suggestions to improve the performance of your website.

It provides you with a list of all the tabs, including duplicates, inconsistencies, complete tabs, and partial tabs. These sections specifically inform you of the positive and negative factors affecting your listings. Moreover, there are links that you can click to make the necessary adjustments to improve your ranking.

This tool gives your website the boost it needs. Also, this tool's accessible version provides you with useful information regarding your website usage.

Check the pricing of Moz Pro here.


Content Marketing

5. Buzzsumo



Buzzsumo is a content marketing tool that helps you to find the most popular content on social media platforms. It also provides features for influencer marketing, content analysis, and competitor research.

Many B2B SEO and social media marketers utilize Buzzsumo, a powerful content marketing tool, to analyze the effectiveness of the content and produce fresh content ideas.

You can use the tool to see what material receives the most social media shares and backlinks by entering your desired term. You can gain insights about what kind of content to create, how long it should be, what format to use, when to post the content, and more by analyzing the existing content that is working effectively.

Some searches on Buzzsumo can be performed for free, but many functions require a premium subscription.

Find Buzzsumo pricing details here.

Read More : 4 Types of SEO Services to Invest: Boost Organic Traffic 2023


Technical SEO

6. Screaming Frog

Screaming frog dashboard


Screaming Frog is a website crawler that helps you to identify technical SEO issues on your website. It's an ideal tool for businesses that want to improve their website's performance and ranking.

Screaming Frog SEO Spider has a solid reputation for delivering the most accurate results for technical SEO audits. It is a website crawler that examines each and every URL on a website and flags any possible technical SEO problems.

Screaming Frog features include :

screaming frog features


Here’s how you can use it:

Screaming Frog SEO Spider collects all the information for you, allowing you to quickly export the lists of affected pages and begin making the necessary corrections, whether you're attempting to find broken links, lengthy title tags, missing meta descriptions, duplicate content, or images without alternative texts.

The quantity of information you are presented with while conducting technical audits with Screaming Frog SEO Spider might be daunting at first and understanding how to use all the different crawl settings is a little more difficult.

Luckily, Screaming Frog has a vast collection of useful tutorial films to aid you. After becoming accustomed to the tool, you will be able to use its more sophisticated features, such as custom extractions, to perform in-depth studies that may not be possible with other tools.

Check Screaming Frog Pricing here.


Organic Search Performance

7. Google Search Console

Google Search Console


You can monitor a site's organic ranking in Google search results using Search Console. Marketing professionals can use this information to better understand how Google reads a website and identify areas that could have additional optimization to increase performance.

B2B SEO marketers can use Search Console to optimize keyword rankings, monitor and maintain a website's organic visibility, make technical decisions, and decide where the site should appear (or needs to appear) in search results.

Pricing: Free


8. Google AdWords Keyword Planner

Google Keyword planner dashboard


The Google AdWords Keyword Planner isa keyword research tool that is integrated with Google Ads, as the name suggests.

It is free and was designed specifically to help PPC advertisers choose their target keywords and organize their PPC campaigns.

The fact that this tool provides precise information on search volume and trends from various geographical areas across the world. All data from this tool comes directly from Google itself, leading many SEO marketers to use it.

Pricing: Free


How to Choose the Right SEO Tool for your business?

Before deciding which SEO, tool is best for you, have a look at some of the statistics that affect SEO.

  • 90.63% of pages, according to Ahrefs, receive no organic search traffic from Google.
  • Most firms spend more than US$ 5000 per month on SEO marketing, according to a Moz poll.
  • About two out of every three smartphone users, according to Think with Google, make purchases from companies whose websites are location specific.
  • According to Google, 39% of its users are swayed by related queries.
  • 53% of digital marketers, according to SEMrush, believe that guest posting is the most successful link-building tactic.

Hence, before choosing which SEO tool is ideal for you, consider the following.

Whether the tool is able to:

  • Review the websites and pages you have linked.
  • Identify the overall health of the facility.
  • Analyze the site's technical health and see if it complies with standards.
  • Offer thorough competition analysis.
  • Creates useful reports and dashboards for SEO.
  • Keep track of search results.
  • Identify the most effective and ineffective keywords.
  • Describe the newest marketing trends and offer your opinions.
  • To improve ranks, offer first-rate service.

Hence, when you use these search engine optimization techniques, let your enterprises soar to new heights.


Read More : SEO Company- How to Choose The Best in 2023


10x your website organic traffic with us!

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, SEO tools are crucial for any business that wishes to optimize its website for search engines. You may raise the rating, visibility, and traffic to your website by employing the appropriate tools. There is a B2B SEO tool that may assist you in reaching your objectives, regardless of how big or little your company is.

These are the B2B SEO tools to guide your data-driven SEO strategy, even if there are many additional B2B SEO tools on the market. You can use these tools to find the tools you need for keyword research, link building, technical audits, or on-page optimization.

When making a choice, it's crucial to consider the features, cost, and customer support of each product. Also, it's a great to try out each tool before subscribing.


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