
Local SEO Audit Checklist To Reach More Locals

Are you a local business trying to stand out in an increasingly crowded market with local SEO?

or are you in search of SEO services for local businesses to reach your when potential customers on local search? You’re not alone.

In this local SEO Audit Checklist, we will share the benefits of local SEO services, GBP audits for local SEO, how to do local SEO audits, and audit tools for local SEO. This will enable your business to be discovered at just the right moment when potential customers are in need of what you have to offer.

Get in touch for a free local SEO audit or learn about our local business SEO services!

Let's get started!

What does local SEO include?

Local SEO is an essential tool for businesses such as restaurants, law firms, and service-based businesses, that want to reach their local customers and increase visibility on Google search engine results pages (SERPs).

So, Local SEO includes keyword research, content, optimizing Google My Business Page, local listings, social media, reviews, brand mentions, and backlinks.

By optimizing these key elements for your website, you can ensure that your business ranks high when people in your area are searching for the services or products you offer.

With a well-executed local SEO strategy, you can promote your business, build customer trust, and ultimately grow sales.

How do I audit local SEO?

1. Keyword Research

To reach your target audience and gain the most from your content, it's essential to not just focus on single keywords but to look at all the potential phrases that people may use when looking for you or what you have to offer.

Your keyword research must consider searcher intent as well, based on where they are in their buying cycle journey.

People often have different intentions when they search for a product or service. Some are just starting their research, asking questions like “Where can I find x?” while others might already be ready to place an order with phrases such as “Order x near me.”

Having a broader view of the keywords used in searches provides you with invaluable insight into your online presence and how best to focus your efforts going forward.

2. Optimize Google My Business

Optimizing your Google My Business page is critical to rank your business well on Google Maps and search results. This is because it enhances the discoverability of your business in local search.

Google My Business homepage

Your business information and location details should be accurate and complete with that of the details provided on your website.

Here's a checklist of tasks you should audit in your GMB:

  • Your hours of operation.
  • Correct primary business category.
  • Place the pin location accurately on Google Maps
  • Whether your business falls under the physical location or service area category.
  • Details about your products and services added.
  • Attractive photos showcasing the business, services offered, and pricing.

These details can help potential customers understand what you offer, boost your online presence, and attract more customers to your business.

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03. Analyze Your Website’s Content 

As a business owner, it's important to have a strong online presence. One of the crucial aspects of your website is the content.

Take the time to conduct a content audit and ensure that you are using local keywords and relevant terms that accurately represent your business.

Ask yourself: 

  • Does your website provide helpful content about your business such as services you offer, pricing details and contact details?
  • Does your website offer relevant content based on different user search intent? (Informational, transactional, commercial and navigational )
  • Is there a frequently asked questions section?
  • How well SEO-optimized are your content?
  • Is your content readable on any device? 
  • Does the website offer seamless user experience? 

When it comes to content, quality over quantity is key. Avoid duplicate content and focus on providing valuable information to your audience.

Based on different user search intent, create content with targeted keywords of your audience. 

Remember, your website is often the first point of contact with your audience, so make sure your content is top-notch.

04. Claim Your Local Listings

Claimed vs unclaimed gmb local listing example

Google search is one of the top ways we find a local business, restaurant, or any other business store.

But did you know that having inconsistent NAP information across different search engines and directories can hurt your online presence?

That's why it's crucial to claim your local listings and ensure that your business name, address, and contact information are consistent everywhere.

Not only does this make it easier for potential customers to find you, but it also helps boost your visibility in search results.

Don't let inconsistent NAP information hold your business back. Take the time to claim your local listings and make your online presence grow!

Tip: You can search for business directories with a spam score of less than 5% and add your business information.

 05. Link Building

Link building is a crucial aspect of any successful SEO strategy. Conduct a backlink analysis with the help of local SEO consultants. Through this, you can identify any toxic, spammy backlinks which should be avoided. 

Moreover, how do you build backlinks? With so many websites out there, it can be difficult to know where to start.

Tip: Find local websites that are related to your business and reach out for potential link exchanges. Not only does this help to improve your website's authority and visibility, but it also establishes trust, and strengthens ties within your community. 

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06. Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

When a local searches your business, they should be able to find your social media profiles as well.

Your social media profiles can make or break your online presence, and they represent you and your brand.

Ensuring that your profile information such as profile images, descriptions, and contact information is up to date can help you stand out from the crowd and attract more followers.

By keeping your social media profiles current and informative, you can optimize your online presence and establish credibility with your audience. So, take the time to review and update your profiles today – it could make all the difference in how potential customers perceive you and your brand!

07. Monitor Reviews & Mentions

GMB mentions and reviews example

As a business owner, your reputation is everything. That's why it's crucial to keep an eye on what your customers are saying about your products or services.

By monitoring customer reviews, ratings, and mentions, you can gain valuable insights into how your business is perceived online.

This information allows you to make the necessary improvements, respond to customers' concerns, and maintain a positive online presence.

Remember that you're not just building a brand; you're building relationships with your customers. So, make sure you're listening to what they have to say and responding in a friendly and professional manner.

Key Takeaways

Local SEO can be a powerful tool to increase your online visibility and get more customers walking through your door. Your optimization efforts should start with an analysis of your website's content to make sure that you are using the relevant local keywords and terms.

Next, claim all your local listings to ensure accuracy. After that, invest in link-building by finding local websites related to your business for potential link exchanges. Also, make sure to optimize your social media profiles and monitor reviews and mentions from customers to ensure a positive online presence.

Finally, ensure that your Google My Business profile is optimized with the most updated content and photos. If you want to make sure you’re set up correctly for maximum SEO impact, then get in touch for a free local SEO consultation or local SEO audit service.

With a well-crafted plan tailored specifically towards boosting your local rankings, you can expect amazing results that last the test of time!

Get in touch with us for local SEO consultation and how we can help your business.


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